The Zeta Gundam is a transformable type mobile suit, which can change from its normal humanoid outlook to a Waverider mode more aerodynamically suited for long-distance flight or atmospheric re-entry.
This kit of course faithfully re-creates that ability in a Ver. 2.0 makeover. Improved inner frame construction allows for better flexibility, but that's only one reason to grab this kit; included is a display stand that allows you to show off the finished product in either flight mode or mobile suit mode! Of course the distinct Hyper Mega Launcher is included, as are two beam sabers and a beam rifle.
Master Grade 1/100 Scale (~180mm, ~7-8 inches)
Many small pieces; models take up to 10 hours to complete
Posable and flexible for display
Improved proportions, internal structures, and movements
The Zeta Gundam is a transformable type mobile suit, which can change from its normal humanoid outlook to a Waverider mode more aerodynamically suited for long-distance flight or atmospheric re-entry.
This kit of course faithfully re-creates that ability in a Ver. 2.0 makeover. Improved inner frame construction allows for better flexibility, but that's only one reason to grab this kit; included is a display stand that allows you to show off the finished product in either flight mode or mobile suit mode! Of course the distinct Hyper Mega Launcher is included, as are two beam sabers and a beam rifle.
Master Grade 1/100 Scale (~180mm, ~7-8 inches)
Many small pieces; models take up to 10 hours to complete
Posable and flexible for display
Improved proportions, internal structures, and movements